Thursday, November 12, 2009

Should I add fencing and target practice to my list?

At 19, I%26#039;ve mastered Kung-Fu, Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Tae-Kwon Do, and Aikido. Should I add fencing, target practice (shooting), or paint-ball to my list? Any of the three?|||With such an extensive background in martial arts I think it would be hard to add more disciplines to your repatoire. It also depends if you%26#039;re just trying to learn everything you can or if you%26#039;re learning all about every form of self defense. Fencing is fun, it%26#039;s hard work and it takes a lot of discipline and some guts just like martial arts. Target shooting is another sport all together but not bad if you plan on having a gun at home for self defense. Paint-ball I find to be fun but there%26#039;s also airsoft if you go that route.

As for adding any of them it%26#039;s up to you really, with fencing I%26#039;d recommend Epee style as it%26#039;s the least flashy and most down to earth form. With target shooting just visit a gunrange in your hometown for more details on the safety, training and equipment you%26#039;ll need. With paint-ball...I%26#039;m not an expert but there%26#039;s plenty of centers around the States.

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