Monday, November 16, 2009

Economical fencing a horse will respect?

I am looking at buying some property and will need to put up fencing. I currently have 2 horses and one can not be very respectful to fencing. He%26#039;s a 2000lb belgian gelding to boot. What are some options for fencing that are economical. I was thinking pipe fencing, but it%26#039;s so expensive. Any ideas?|||we use cattle panels reinforced with a strong board across the top. they come in different lengths,and you can get them with small squares at the bottom to prevent feet going thru. some of our paddocks are 12 foot panels with poles every 6 feet,ome are 16 foot panels with a pole every 8 feet. they are quick and easy to put up,and even contain our bull. we have never had a horse get thru one. put the jpanels on the inside of the posts,and if your horse is really a moose,run an electric line down about a foot from the top. oh-you can also get them different heights.|||well it is very expensive but have u just tried a basic electric fencing? i also have a very pushy 2000 lbs. percheron-x-morgan who would break through wooden fencing in a snap to get to tall grass, but we put up electric fencing and he got zapped once and after that he NEVER thouched the fence Report Abuse
|||I have to give you a star for this one. I am getting ready to build a barn and put up new fencing and was going to ask for some opinions as well! Right now I have barbed wire, I know most of you all hate it but I never had a problem. If there is something else out there I might try it.

I heard there is a new wrapped wire fencing you can get? I think it goes on T-posts.....|||electrical tape fencing next the fencing of your choice will usually make any horse respect the fence.|||electric tape/ wire/ cord by itself or alongside a fence of your choice|||I too like the combo panels, they typically run 16 foot and we place a post every 8 feet. Here we have several types of fencing, our interior fencing is wood rail, 2x6 boards, the dividing fencing is done in the 2%26quot; wide electrical tape and we have the combos, not much of that yet as it is something we are converting our exterior boarders with. They have a neat and clean appearance and really hold up well, the horses would literally have to %26quot;crash the fence%26quot; or your posts too rot out in order to worry about any sort of repair. The rail fencing is not too terribly expensive, even with a hot wire run they still manage to destroy them and then the painting of the fence.... it looks nice but the up keep is not the best. The white tape can fail from time to time, the clips get brittle and break and then the fence sags, so you have to keep a close eye on that stuff. I would not recommend that for exterior fencing. I too would like pipe... but I%26#039;m not that rich either, lol.|||i have the same idear as the otherperson above me with the hot rope and when they have got zapped enough times they will stay away from it we have a hot rope around some of our paddocks and our horses now dont evern touch the fence now

best regards nina|||We have electric rope from Premier. You can look them up on the internet. We used 4 strands and put the posts closer than recommended because we live on a 4 lane road and with a couple of horses that can be hard on fencing. It was the cheapest fence I could find that I felt I could trust.|||i work on a very popular horse farm and they use the 3 split rail fence or the post and board with the chicken wire. it%26#039;s cheap and works for the big guys.|||U can buy used pipe fencing, or even try wood fencing and run hot wire around it. it only takes one %26quot;ZAP%26quot; and he%26#039;ll get the hint.|||I use an electrical fence called Hot Rope. It is very safe yet teaches a horse respect. It looks like white rope but it has wires that are braided through it to transport the electricity. I had one horse who like to rub fences all the time and once I put this up, she never touched the fence again. Because the rope is white, it is also very visible (even at night) and your horse will most likely not run into it by mistake. I also liked how easy it was to put up. It only took us two hours and the fence was up completely. Hope I helped.|||We have hot-wire - which is economical and the horses respect it. Just be certain that you do not use barb wire! It is dangerous for horses.|||they make electrical fencing that comes in different widths, get the thickest width there is, he should be able to see it, and one lil shock will make him respect it :o) and if later on down the road, if you decide to put up pipe fencing or anyother kind of fencing, you can put a strand of the electrical on the inside of the top rail, that way you get the good looks of the real fence without your boy messin with it

lil advice, if you ever decided to put up real fence with the strand of electrical on the inside top rail, please please dont forget about it and try climbing the fence, god knows ive done that before and man it sucks!! we had electrical then went to the white plastic and had the strand on the inside, i had forgot that we did that, and went to climb the fence, got zapped and fell, however my leg got caught in the electrical fence, and it was a constant zap for about 2 minutes until my dad stopped laughing and helped me. BE CAREFUL!! LOL|||I have 5 big warmblood and draft crosses, and they all stop at the electric we have up! It%26#039;s the wide white tape that you can easily see, and we have a hot box in the barn to charge it. NO ONE hits it twice. I introduce all my new horses to it by letting them walk into it, they practically do a backflip when they hit it and that%26#039;s it, no one tries again. I do have one mare who knows when the box isn%26#039;t on, so you have to make sure it%26#039;s really hot when they%26#039;re out there.

You do need to put t posts every so often as well as the electric fence posts for support. Don%26#039;t get a solar charged hot box, it doesn%26#039;t carry the juice and they will walk it right down.

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