Monday, November 16, 2009

Without fencing my dog in the kitchen how can I get her to eat above her dish?

My dog only eats dry, chunk food. She will not eat on a schedule. Her dish is in my kitchen and she doesn%26#039;t like the slick floor. So I laid down a mat under her dish. She grabs a chunk and takes it to eat on the carpet which gets crumbs everywhere. Since she%26#039;s not on a schedule I can%26#039;t block the kitchen entry until she eats.|||My dog doesn%26#039;t eat on a schedule either. What I have done is instead of feeding her at her normal feeding time I take her for a long walk and usually she is ready to eat by the time we get back. This doesn%26#039;t always work though. I wouldn%26#039;t worry about your dog leaving crumbs on the floor because they won%26#039;t stay there forever. It is a dog, they are hunters and love finding crumbs. So, I guess what I am saying is there%26#039;s no need to leave the dog in the kitchen, the crumbs won%26#039;t stay on your rug and give the pooch a good belly rub!|||Make her get on a schedule. That%26#039;s what all the books say%26amp; my vet said it too. Dogs should eat 1 x a day prefably the same time every day %26amp; the same amt everyday. What you%26#039;re describing sounds like normal behaviour to me. Carrying the food off to another room.I mean.|||some breeds of dogs tend to travel with their food. it comes from their days as predatory animals. The only suggestion is to feed the pet outdoors or in the basement. Or you could use child gates in your doorways to the kitchen until you feel that the pet has eaten what it wants.|||Good luck with tring to get her to eat over her dish . I have 2 dogs in my house and they both do the same thing.Maybe it%26#039;s a dog thing??????????? Maybe you can try taking the dog to obedient classes or just vacuumn a lot. HA!HA!

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