Monday, November 16, 2009

What is the cattle fencing laws in illinois? Who is responsible to fix the fence if there cattle gets out?

Who owns the fence? Was it improperly maintained or did the cattle break a properly maintained fence? The law is not as simple as you pretend.

If you want to read the Illinois fence statute, you can link to it here:|||the universally understood practice where i live is-- the owner of the cows that are getting out is responsible for fixing the fence.

if crops are being damaged, and the cattle owner is too slow to fix, the invaded landowner can fix the fence and recover repair expenses and crop damage from the cattle owner.

it generally causes major rifts between neighbors to have to go to court to recover these expenses. use as a last resort only.|||I don%26#039;t know the law exactly in Illinois. I would think the owner of the property and or the owner of the cattle if they are one and the same. I would at least start with the property owner first. And definately check with someone who would know on that.

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