Monday, November 16, 2009

Would barbed wire fencing work for pygmy goats?

I need to build an inexpensive fence that will keep in two horses, and some pygmy goats. I though barbed wire would work unless the goats got tangled up?|||I would not recommend it for horses or goats. The goats especially will probably cut themselves to pieces trying to get out. I have goats fence for mine that they have found several places to get out underneath it and have cut their ears up trying to push through. As bad as mine look after trying to get out of goat fence I would hate too see them try to get out of barbed wire fence.|||I have goats and a mini horse, but I keep them separate. I use panel fencing for my horse and for the goats I use hog wire (It was cheap) and two strands of electric fencing (also cheap) on the inside of the hog wire. They are fine when the electric fence is on, but the goats constantly test the fence and know when it is off. When it is off, they stick their heads through the hog wire and always get them stuck. I have to keep cutting the wire to free their heads and fix the fence. I would find the cheapest, but strongest wire possible (for the price) and use electric fencing on the inside of it. I think if you used barbed wire they would find a way to get stuck in it- they always do- and if they did, it wouldn%26#039;t end well. A fence doesn%26#039;t (and shouldn%26#039;t) be expensive for them. They are always going to find a way out and it is easier, and less expensive, to fix a fence than it is to keep buying livestock panels every time you have to cut one to free one of the goat%26#039;s heads- trust me, I used to have my whole pasture fenced in with livestock panels- not worth it with goats. I hope this helped, good luck!|||Small goats can get through the smallest of spaces, I would recommend small page wire....|||Generally speaking any type of wire fencing doesn%26#039;t work well for any goats. I%26#039;d try cattle panels or combination panels. They are expensive though. But nothing less than that will keep the goats in. We have one area of goat fencing that%26#039;s basically solid to keep the kids in.|||Get a smaller squared page wire it will keep the goats from getting through and the horses from get cut up (if they got caught in the bw).|||There is a lot said that barbed wire is not desirable as horse fencing. I have seen some pretty gruesome injuries from BW, but some of my fencing is still barbed, and I haven%26#039;t had any (knock on wood) injuries. That said, pygmy goats can be real houdinis, and I would think it probably won%26#039;t be inexpensive to run enough strands of barbed wire to successfully keep them in. Any chance of doing a small lot for the goats out of woven wire farm fencing or livestock panels?

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