Monday, November 16, 2009

How much does an average youth fencing lesson cost?

For like a couple of weeks or for the summer|||Where are you at?--check for a list of clubs, call them and find out.

The club I belong to offers introductory lessons for $99. This could be taken as a week long summer camp, or eight weekly one hour lessons. Both of those are in a group setting. Private lessons would be about twice that expensive, you%26#039;d learn faster, but it may not be as fun because you wouldn%26#039;t have the other students to socialize with.|||check on the internet rtard how dumb are you?

why dont you use your resources|||At my brother%26#039;s fencing club it is $50/month, and I think if you have 3 or more people from a family doing it there is a discount.

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