Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is the best fencing option for dogs?

Strong perfered if it is under $1000. Strong enough to support a small to medium dog (think smaller than a Lab) Please include either some info or site. thanks.|||Depends on if the dog digs or climbs or jumps fences. Different fence options for different breeds of dog and different locations. Along a busy street a wood privacy fence might be the best option. For a medium non jumper a 4%26#039; chain link might be perfect. For a terrier, a fence installed a foot or so underground would help prevent digging under the fence.

EDIT: A chain link with a pole along the top is a pretty safe option unless the dog climbs over it.|||I read your other question but i figured id read this answer cuz not as many people answered this one anyway

A toy Maltese are about 5 pounds At most shed one hair a week [seriously] do not need leashes once they are trained properly [training is very important] and need 3 weeks daily once they are a little older than a year only up and down the street and do not need play once they are 1 year old i suggest not getting a puppy they need to be walked every hour and played with 23/7 and are high mantnes with any bread.|||I hope it%26#039;s a 5%26#039; white vinyl privacy fence cause that%26#039;s what I just got done ordering for my yard! But it was EXPENSIVE. $5500 for 155 linear ft with 2 gates. I don%26#039;t know how many ft you need but maybe wood stockade fencing that you could stain would be a good choice but it has to be at least 4-5 ft. I would have gotten a 6%26#039; but my covenant for my HOA say it has to be 5%26#039; or under.|||Hi Sushi rolls

My personal preference is chain link. Some areas have building codes and you have to abide by them.

I owned a fence company for years, and can give you some great suggestions on fencing %26amp; dogs. If you are interested, send me a e-mail.

If you have footages, I can guestimate costs for you.

Best of luck.

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