Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is there a way to strengthen your core muscles through fencing?

For a women%26#039;s fitness final, i need to design a workout that will include, stretches, cardio workouts, core/abdominal workouts and a cool-off. I%26#039;ve been fencing for almost three years, but i just can%26#039;t seem to find an exercise that helps the core/abdomen.|||I know this exercises that is great for the core. You lay in a push up position. Have your arms be in a %26quot;L%26quot; shape with your forearms on the ground. Then raise your body, keep your back straight. Your toes and your fore arms should be on the floor. Your torso and legs in the air. You can do it for 30 seconds and up. I usually do it for a minute. It strengthens the torso and the ab area.|||Everyone is jumping on the %26#039;core%26#039; bandwagon. If you don%26#039;t train your core the fitness police will get you. Pushing a ******** shopping trolley round a supermarket works your core!

Are you telling me that ten years ago in gyms that people who didn%26#039;t specifically train their core muscles all had bad posture and/or chronic back pain etc..

I can understand wanting to do some work on core muscles, but a lot of people are being ripped off and suckered into believing a fad which isn%26#039;t all that necessary.

Sorry that was my rant,

Fencing itself would work your core as it actively engages transverse abdominus and multifidus. You could argue this point but unfortunately some people are very blinkered and set in their ways.|||Check out some Pilates exercises... they have a lot of core work with stretching and such... I%26#039;m not sure about fencing core work outs as the only thing I can think of is basic exercises, breathing exercises with the foil and such. You could do dynamic tension but that is a bit harder to do with the core.

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