Saturday, May 15, 2010

What are the most effective methods of repelling rabbits from my perennial garden, other than fencing?

Last yeat it seemed as if they went primarily after new tender stems, but this year they are eating already-established lilies, coneflowers, baptista... Help, please!|||Try putting some mothball around the perimeter of your garden. The smell keeps most every animal away! When watering or the rain eventually washes them away, put more out there. Your pets won%26#039;t bother them either, but I would be careful about curious younger children.|||plant marigold all the way around them and even a couple in the rows. rabbits do NOT like them at all!|||You can make your own %26quot;Liquid Fence%26quot; type product, it%26#039;s cheap and works fast:|||Use a shotgun. Like a 12 ga. With #18 goose shot. It works for all kinds of pests. Just make sure you buy steel shot and not lead.|||I know what keeps deer away, and maybe it would work for rabbits also. Take human hair and spread it around the edges of the garden. They don%26#039;t like the smell since they think there are people around, and they stay away.

You can get the hair from a barber shop or beauty shop.|||Plant Marigolds. They do not like the smell. Or sprinkle the area with Cayenne pepper|||A couple of outdoor dogs would work well. (They kind that like to chase rabbits)

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