Monday, May 17, 2010

Could you tell me the standard heights of chain link fencing?

That is available from home improvement stores.

Thanks.|||Three most common, in my area, are 4%26#039; (most common for fencing a yard for children and small pets) 5%26#039; (mostly used as a legal swimming pool fence when posts are below frost and using a 1.5%26quot; grid) and 6%26#039; (mostly for security and containing larger pets). The chain link grid is also in 3%26#039;s; 1 1/4, 1 1/2, and 2%26quot;.|||4 ft. is the largest seller; 6 ft; is likely also available. Usually sold in 50 ft. rolls at approx. $1 per running ft.|||4%26#039; is standard. Some places will also have 6%26#039;.|||4%26#039; and 6%26#039; are all I know of. have both of those in my yard.|||Hi the standard sizes are normally 4, foot or 6 foot.

If you need other sizes you may be able to find fencing companies that will offer a custom size. You can find Fencing companies at|||ive found 4%26#039;, 6%26#039;, and 8%26#039;. all in 50%26#039; rolls. the 4%26#039; tends to run about 1 dollar a foot but the taller u go the higher the price.|||Lowes/Home Despot generally carry 4 and 6 foot. Standard sizes are 4, 5, 6, and 8. A large Ace or True Value will probably have a better selection than Lowes/Home Despot. I have purchased all four sizes from my local Ace affiliate in the last six months.

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