My friend has a property and would like to know as much information on snake repellent or preferably fencing?|||...okay, my personal experience is this Texas, my house sits close to a pond, and a water-mocassin slithered across our drive, in front of the garage door, as we arrived home late one night wife, being -phobic became %26#039;concerened%26#039; for the %26#039;safety of the Universe%26quot; and I, being gallant, esteemed to solve the problem I took my %26#039;stick%26#039; and jousted with the %26#039;behemoth moc%26#039; all th way back into the pond
....hmmm, at Home Depot I found a chemical containing sulphur and naphtaline
....I bought a bag wetable sulphur powder and mothballs....saving over 50% of the pre-mixed crap....and %26#039;dusted heavily%26#039; around my house foundation, as well as, around my fenced perimeter of the yard wife, being uncanny, realized that a snake-proof fence must be erected
...thusly, i installed a metal fence post exactly next to my foundation, so tight the %26quot;pope in rome%26quot; can%26#039;t squeeze through
then I installed one at the end of my %26quot;fence-row%26quot; and several others in between
...I attached a plasticoated mesh wire (1/4 inch) across the row..the wire is 2 feet high....that was 5 years ago and since no snake has crossed our drive.....(to our knowledge)
....I noticed an improvement in leave color of our shrubs, perhaps due to sulphur....and also, no bugs, slugs or plugs
....welll, snakes had oine avenue of travel around our house, so I blocked that and provided a deterent barrier of chemical ahead of the fencing....the other sides of our main property were %26#039;protected by a high stone the house site was on a raised area 5 - 10 feet above the pond elevation most snakes were unable to climb that high|||try home depot i think they have snake repellent|||Snake-A-Way ....
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