Monday, May 17, 2010

What is the best way to install posts for plastic fencing?

hope you dont live where it gets below zero ! when you bump your plastic fence when it is cold it snaps like a twig.|||Call %26quot;Dig Safe.%26quot; They mark lines.

Use gas powered auger. Put in cardboard tubes.

Set posts in concrete (readymix).

Or pour stone around them.|||the same as any other type of post.

dig hole (I used a clam-shell digger and then a %26quot;cleanout%26quot;, becuase I only had 15 holes to dig.

make sure the hole is below the frost line. 42%26quot; deep in most areas that get snow.

fill bottom about 6%26quot; with loose gravel.

then place post and backfill with quickcrete. run a hose over the quickrete powder to make sure it gets wet.

make sure the post is stabilized while the quickrete sets.

and no, the new pvc fencing does not snap in cold weather. I used digger specialties (do a google search) and have been quite happy with them. (michigan climate)|||Well, three ways to look at it.

1. Dig the hole below freezing line and have a footer base, then fill with concrete all around to ground level.

2. Dig hole so your lower fence rail will line up with the other post at ground level. VERY IMPORTANT HERE

3. Fill-in the end post with cement to the top, AFTER the fence is completely done. Make sure its level and PLUM, then pour cement inside to the top. The will secure the fence on WINDY and SNOWY days. Do the same for the door both posts too.|||dig deep, use rocks as a base and concrete if you can swing it. I tried a post hold digger(auger) but there were just too many rocks so ended up usung a shovel. You must use concrete on the posts on either side of a door. Also you will want to put a 4x4 in the center of the post for these posts as well. Good Luck and take a look at and they both have good tips and instructions.|||The Big Donut has the correct answer as far as snapping like a twig in the winter maybe a home depot crap but I just put mine in like the Donut said and this PVC is strong material, had a picket left over and was showing my neighbor how strong it was I beat that picket against my concrete slab and besides a few nicks didn%26#039;t bother it at all so if you purchased a good quality fence you won%26#039;t have no problems Good luck Les the painter New England climate

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