Saturday, May 15, 2010

How much does it cost to take up fencing?

After following fencing in the olympics and beating my friends senseless with Raphael on Soul Calibur, I%26#039;m seriously thinking about taking it up at a local club.. But i%26#039;m wondering how much it costs (拢) ie. average memberships, equipment cost etc

Thanks.. |||In UK:

拢30 monthly for the membership or 拢7 a day

拢400 for the equipment

Normally, you don%26#039;t need buy the equipment for the beginners class as the club provide everything for you.

Just try it! You will enjoy fencing, I%26#039;m sure!

The best thing, you can start now, doesn%26#039;t matter how old you are.

I%26#039;m from Edinburgh Fencing Club...

Good luck!|||about 拢100 for the membership and 拢50 for the equipment.|||idk 100$ ?|||Why dont you buy a lightsaber maybe u could go on star wars.....

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