Friday, November 18, 2011

Where can I get me some fencing pants with stripes?

I see these pictures of fencing pants that have like 3 black stripes on the sides... they look pretty dang nice, where can someone by them online? or just who makes them?|||It sounds like you are looking at the Adidas FIE Pants. You can get them via the Blue Gauntlet web site.|||intente el circo

Does invisible fencing work well for cats too?

I am moving to a new neighborhood with my 7 year old indoor/outdoor cat, i am worried that he will get out of the yard and be lost. Do you think the invisible fencing would work for a cat too? Has anyone got it for cats?|||I have a friend whose husband works for Invisible Fence. And YES you can use it for cats! Apparently they make a smaller, lightweight collar for small dogs/puppies and it works just fine for cats. I have never used one but I think it would be a great idea.

However, as someone already mentioned, it might keep your kitty in the yard, but won%26#039;t keep other animals out. It would be best to make your cat an indoor-only cat if at all possible. And definitely keep him in a carrier until you are done moving, because if he gets loose and runs off, he very well may get lost. At least keep him inside for a while after the move so he can get used to the new place. If you decide to let him outside, do so for only a short time, even on a leash if necessary so he can%26#039;t go far.|||You%26#039;re welcome! Moving is such a pain...hope it all goes well. Report Abuse
|||My sister%26#039; has an invisible fence for her dog. Her cat has a collar for the invisible fence and it works for her. I hope it works for you, too.|||If you cat is a smart one.. He or she will find a way home.. It it is a dumb ***.. It%26#039;s likely to be crushed under wheels of a car or truck.. Got to remind you.. All Cats are not the same... Only old cats know how to live in a city..|||no|||I%26#039;ve never heard it being used for cats. My personal opinion would be that it wouldn%26#039;t work for cats.

When you move to a new place with cats, you have to keep them contained inside their living area (ie; inside the house) for a minimum 7 days or they WILL take off and get lost. Cats have to become familiar with their new surroundings and know that this is their new home or they will travel.|||The fencing usually has a caution lable for cat%26#039;s, it should not be used for them!!!!|||Do not use invisible fencing for cats unless you want to harm them. your cat should be indoor/outdoor anyway because of what can happen to him. feral cats, evil people, feral dogs etc. He must stay inside at least 2 weeks to recognize your new home as home or will go back to the old home.

Come on people do some homework here!!!!|||Such containment systems are not safe for cats. Instead, you can do one of the following:

1. If your yard is fenced, you can make it cat-proof with a somple system of t-bars and garden netting. There are internet sites that show you how to do this and also several merchants who sell the system ready to be assembled. Some of these systems are truly inenious! Check them out. Just type %26quot;cat enclosures%26quot; or %26quot;cat fences%26quot; and you%26#039;ll see.

2. Buy or build an outdoor cat enclosure. This is what I chose for my own two out-doors loving felines. They are really indoor cats but they love to go outside once or twice a day. There are racoons, squirrels, other cats and dogs in my area and it simply is not safe to leave my cats outside unattended or unconfined. So I bought a gated chainlink doggie kennel 13ft long x 7ft wide x 7ft high and its accompanying %26quot;roof%26quot; and turned it into a kitty wonderland in the backyard. They love it.

If you%26#039;d rather build one, aain you can et ideas from internedt sites. Just type in %26quot;cat runs%26quot; or %26quot;cat enclosures.%26quot; All that%26#039;s needed are wood beams, chicken wire, staples, nails, muscle and time.|||probably not cause he will jump over it or climb around when they are on the other side it works the same way and he will not want to cross it then|||Hey, well the fence may work, but what about those that can come in the yard and possibly attack your cat? You wont know if there is an agressive male around or female

They have fences that are 6-8 feet high with netting, the tops are curved inward to prevent escape. Its safe four your pet . Or have a enclosure built and attach it to your window. So she can have limited roam while having access to the home.

With collars you may not know the affect on a cat. they may run beyond the fence and the device has a safety shut off after so many seconds.

So go for a enclosed area built or attacked to your window. Just need wood and stronge neting. A safe enviorment|||keep your cat inside at least 30 days so it knows exatley where it lives please do this i didnt and i lost my cat after i week

How high does goat fencing need to be to hold Pygmy goats and baby goats.?

i am going to be buying pygmy goats and baby goats this year and i need to get the fencing up. I wanted to know how high it should be. How many posts i need to hold the fence. Also can goats jump? if so how high. Give me any info you can i need all the help i can get.|||You might check with these folks, they appear to have a lot of info...

Hope this helps.

Good Luck!

I plan to start fencing my property next year (economy willing).|||Pygmies can be pretty talented escape artists, but I%26#039;ve had more problems with the little guys sneaking under, rather than over, fencing.

Make sure your fence posts are set at about 5-6%26#039; intervals, and stretch your fencing tight. I have 5%26#039; chain link around the paddock area, and use 4%26#039; welded wire and t-posts around the pasture. I%26#039;ve also reinforced the bottom by driving in rebar %26quot;L%26quot; spikes every few feet. 4 feet seems to hold everyone just fine, but if the fencing isn%26#039;t stretched tight, goats can learn to walk it down and head right over it.

Goats can jump, and they can get over fencing or stall doors that are under 36%26quot; if they try. Make sure any of their climbing equipment or toys are placed well away from the fence.

Kids are often small enough to slip through calf panels, so I recommend looking for fencing that has a small weave.

Hope this answers your fencing questions and good luck with your new herd!|||I use a five foot high metal woven fence with metal posts about every 3 feet or so. Pull the fence very tight when putting it up and tieing it to the posts, and be sure there are no toys, chairs, stools, whatever next to the inside of the fence. They are smart little goats and will jump on anything to get over the fence!|||I use 5 strands of hot polywire spaced 3-4 fingers width apart to contain my goats. I prefer to train them and use that instead of traditional fencing. It wouldn%26#039;t be the first time I%26#039;ve seen an animal attempt to jump/climb a traditional fence and get caught/hung up in the fence. I%26#039;ve never had a problem with kids escaping after they learn that the fence bites.|||i had some once you have to use welded wire fencing make the holes small enough they cant put there heads threw or you wil constantly be out there getting them unstuck there horns get stuck then they cant get there head back in also use a t-post every 10 - 15 feet build a shed so they can get in otta the rain they need something to climb on out in the middle its what comes natural to them preferablysome huge rocks it cant be near the fence or they will jump over if they dont have the rocks a old car with no weels on it will do rocks are important because with out them you will have to trim there hooves. i loved my goats they dont jump very high also they have twinns olmost every time fence should be 4 ft high when they are real small they sound like real baby when they cry|||Premier is a great place for fencing. I recommend them highly.

I don%26#039;t like woven wire fencing for goats because they will walk it down. It might take a few years but they will.

Our fencing is welded wire that we got at an auction with very small holes. Regular cattle panels will allow babies to escape.

You might get by with 4%26quot; fencing if you have true pygmies but I keep my kids behinde at least 5 feet tall fence.

About the winner of the Mens Fencing 2004 olympics indivisual epee?

I%26#039;m doing a school project, and I need to know everything I can about the mens olympic fencing indivisual epee gold medalist in 2004 in athens. It%26#039;s Marcel Fischer, right? I need to know everything I can about him, but the only problem is most of the sites are in greek. Does anyone know anything of his background? (Such as birth place, birth date, family, etc.)

Thanks.|||its very difficult to find his autobiography, even his own website only listed recent news about him and his forthcoming tournaments.

anyway, from what i read, Marcel Fischer was born on August 14, 1978 in Biel, Switzerland.|||Does this shed any light at all?

Sports Fechten (Degen) Fencing (Degen)

Klub Club Fechtgesellschaft Basel Fechtgesellschaft Basel

Trainer Rolf Kalich (Nationaltrainer), Manfred Beckmann (Clubtrainer) Rolf Kalich (national coach), Manfred Beckmann (club coach)

Geburtsort Birthplace Biel (aufgewachsen in Br眉gg bei Biel) Biel (raised in Br眉gg at Biel)

Wohnort Hometown Basel

Geburtsdatum Birthdate 14. 14th August 1978 August 1978

Gr枚sse Size

190 cm 190 cm

Gewicht Weight 80 kg 80 kg

Beruf Profession Arzt (Assistenzarzt Orthop盲die Kantonsspital Bruderholz) Doctor (orthopedic physician assistant Kantonsspital brother wood)

Nicknamen Nickname %26quot;M盲rsu%26quot;, %26quot;Fischer%26quot; %26quot;M盲rsu%26quot;, %26quot;fishermen%26quot;

Freundin Girlfriend Alessandra

Geschwister Siblings Schwester Nadine Sister Nadine

Hobbies Sport allgemein, Tennis, Squash, Reisen, Natur, Trekking, Kino Sport in general, tennis, squash, travel, nature, trekking, cinema|||Go to you can find a history on the 2004 Olympics and any and all medal winners.

Where can I find Asics fencing shoes with chain mesh on the sides?

I think they were used for the japanese fencing team in LA in the early 80s.. I saw them once on ebay.. anyone have any idea?|||Hmm..... that seems hard. I would look on the Asics website or maybe call the Asics pr. Also, try vintage stores or ebay like you said.

I'm looking for anyone who could donate fencing materials?

I have a 3 year old son with autism who loves outdoors but doesnt respond when you call his name or say stop as other kids will. Since we have a pretty deep stream in our yard and a busy road nearby, Id like to fence off an area for him to play, but dont have the money now. I live in upstate NY (albany area) and wondered if anyone knoew of an organization or company that may donate fencing for special needs children? Thank you!!!|||Some times the school district %26quot;yards%26quot; have fencing that they are going to throw away. I needed some and could have gone to get it but I didn%26#039;t have the truck to pick it up. It wouldn%26#039;t hurt to call them and ask. You can even call a fencing type company.

Does anyone know of a good site to find quality agriculture fencing products?

I am looking for a site that sells agriculture fencing supplies. I have found a few on ebay, but I am looking for a site that I can purchase multiple quantities at a set price.

Any ideas?|||I too found a few e-stores on ebay, but Thousand Hill Supply just launched a new e-store and their prices are great.

You can see their products at or check out their e-store on ebay (actually better prices) at|||have you tried

lots of stuff there!!!

How can I see/view the the Olympic Wrestling and Fencing?

Since channel 7 does not appear to support the Wrestling and Fencing events, how can I view them?|||There has been a tiny bit of fencing coverage, specifically the Women%26#039;s sabre events, and a bit of the men%26#039;s sabre events. The only possibility of what you could see on TV for the rest of the games would be the Men%26#039;s sabre team tonight, after that it%26#039;s pretty much it. I%26#039;m not sure about wrestling TV-wise.

However, does offer a great amount of coverage on every sport there. Here are the links to the fencing and wrestling pages: (fencing) (wrestling)

When you navigate to those pages, depending on the time of day (most events take place at night or during the early morning eastern time), there will be a linked banner that takes you to the video player, which has live-feeds of whichever event it taking place. There are also archived videos of all prior events in the Games. You can view up to four at once, I believe.

The NBC website also has event facts, athlete bios, and other useful and interesting information, so I%26#039;d highly recommend checking it out. If you don%26#039;t find the videos you want there, my only other suggestion would be to check youtube in the coming weeks and see what%26#039;s there. Good luck!|||

it has footage from events that have already happened and it also lets you watch the sports live right on your computer||| might have some footage. is my local newspaper%26#039;s site.

Hope this helps!

How much newt fencing was installed in the uk in 2006?

I would like to know how much Newt fencing was installed in the uk in 2006, Can anyone help me??|||NEW or NEWT or are you as p123 as a newt?|||Presume newt fencing is to confine newts to specific areas But how much. I have no idea.|||You could try asking natural england (was english nature) as all newt projects would have to be okayed by them first. There are so many sites and so many suppliers of fencing that this would be a pretty hard Q to answer. I%26#039;d be interested to know the answer too as I work with lizards and use a similar type of fencing. The link below is from one company who supply the fencing and gives some details of projects and the amount of fencing used.|||Try this site:|||Try Scottish Natural heritage ( for information on the extent installed in Scotland, as they would have to OK it first.

Should I add fencing and target practice to my list?

At 19, I%26#039;ve mastered Kung-Fu, Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Tae-Kwon Do, and Aikido. Should I add fencing, target practice (shooting), or paint-ball to my list? Any of the three?|||With such an extensive background in martial arts I think it would be hard to add more disciplines to your repatoire. It also depends if you%26#039;re just trying to learn everything you can or if you%26#039;re learning all about every form of self defense. Fencing is fun, it%26#039;s hard work and it takes a lot of discipline and some guts just like martial arts. Target shooting is another sport all together but not bad if you plan on having a gun at home for self defense. Paint-ball I find to be fun but there%26#039;s also airsoft if you go that route.

As for adding any of them it%26#039;s up to you really, with fencing I%26#039;d recommend Epee style as it%26#039;s the least flashy and most down to earth form. With target shooting just visit a gunrange in your hometown for more details on the safety, training and equipment you%26#039;ll need. With paint-ball...I%26#039;m not an expert but there%26#039;s plenty of centers around the States.

A rancher has 800 feet of fencing to put around a rectangular field ?

A rancher has 800 feet of fencing to put around a rectangular field and then subdivide the field into 3 identical smaller rectangular plots by placing two fences parallel to one of the field%26#039;s shorter sides. Find the dimensions that maximize the enclosed area.

|||Length of shorter side: x

Length of longer side: y

We know that:



To find the maximum:




so the two long sides would equal 100 and the two shorter sides would equal 100. Then the two dividing fences in between to give three smaler rectangular plots would also equal 100. So you have four 100 sides and two 200 sides which equals 800

I might take up a fencing class an i would like to know Is fencing painful?

So are the blades in fencing sharp and pointy? do they hurt to get stabbed by? do they cut?|||Fencing is a very safe sport. None of the weapons are sharp, all of them are blunt. And, when you fence, you MUST wear the proper attire or your instructor will not let you near a sword.

There is a jacket, with is either made out of a very thick nylon or a kevlar material. That%26#039;s the stuff they make bullet-proof vests out of. Then, there is the plastron, which is a half jacket that goes under the first jacket to protect your blade arm further. You must wear knickers (pants that go to the knee) or full pants. There is a glove that goes over your sleeve so that the blade of your opponent%26#039;s weapon cannot reach your arm and there is the mask (the most important piece).

-Men are advised to wear a cup (yes, that%26#039;s target area in foil), and women are required to wear chest protectors-

The worst injury that I have ever received during my fencing experience is a metal splinter because I grabbed my weapon out of its bag too quickly.

The worst injury I have ever witnessed is a twisted ankle...

The worst you will feel is MAYBE a bit of a sting, and that is only if the people hit hard...and if you are in a beginning class, they will be more worried about getting hit than hitting you.

I wish you the best of luck. Fencing is a blast! I hope you take the class. Maybe we%26#039;ll end up competing in a tournament together one day...|||You should totally take up fencing. No the blades are not pointy. There is a rubber tip on the end of a foil, which is the weapon you will probably start out on, and you wear a mask that protects your face and a glove for your hand and a padded jacket so it doesn%26#039;t hurt at all. Legs are off target (touches there don%26#039;t count) so they seldom if ever get hit.|||If you%26#039;re wearing the right equipment, nothing should happen. Also, fencing swords aren%26#039;t particualrly desined to cut so you sould be fine.

Anyone tell me the law regarding partition fencing?

Is there any way fencing should be facing, meaning, do the slats have to be facing towards neighbouring garden? In other words can one put the %26quot;nice side%26quot; facing towards the owner of the fence?, some had said that the law says that the posts had to not face towards the person errecting the fence. Is this a wind up or genuine info, know this is where I!ll get the right answer. This is to save having to reverse sides if errected incorrectly. Thanx for help, please.|||If you have an HOA odds are the %26quot;nice%26quot; side of the fence has to face out and the posts be inside the fence along with the %26quot;ugly%26quot; side. Why would you want to face the %26quot;ugly%26quot; side out? Erect the fence with the attractive side out. If you dont odds are people will assume you had no idea what you were doing when you put it up. We all dont like our neighbors but if you put the ugly side out it makes your own property unattractive|||Almost everywhere, the law is nice side to the neighbor

How to sign up for Malaysia Open Fencing 2008?

I%26#039;m interested to signup for Malaysia Open Fencing Tournament 2008. Can anyone please give me any details? Both online and offline. Thanks!|||An %26quot;open%26quot; tournament usually suggests that all you need to do is show up. But, you might want to contact the promoter for details.|||You probably need to join a Malaysian Fencing federation. As a member, you would be allowed to enter fencing tournaments they sponsor. (At least that%26#039;s the way I remember it being here in the US.)


Are there any wooden fencing companies in Roscommon or Mayo?

Hi Everyone,

I%26#039;m looking for a professional company that supply and fit, gates and fencing. I%26#039;d like a company that phone back when they promise to and turn up when they say they will.

Can you help by directing me in their direction please.

Thanks|||Well, first you need to tell us your country, don%26#039;t you? LOL

In IRELAND, where there is both a Mayo and Roscommon COUNTIES, there happen to be plenty of fencing folks in the directory page below.

Wow, you don%26#039;t like to make it easy to answer, do you?

Who has the most reasonable price for privacy wood fencing?

Should you go with Lowe%26#039;s/Home Depot or a regular fencing company.|||HD %26amp; Lowe%26#039;s will beat any local competitor by 10%.

If the difference is believable you don%26#039;t even need proof or an ad. They will usually take your word for it at Home Depot.

How can i practice foil fencing when im only by myself?

i%26#039;m seeking a way to practice fencing when i have no one to fence with

any suggestion?|||I%26#039;m a sabre, and when I%26#039;m by myself I put my mask on a chair and practice my cuts...


try this:

hang your jacket on a door or something and practice your aim, thrust, etc.

Also, you could just aim for a certain piece of wall.

I do that as well.

Don%26#039;t forget your footwork!

Good luck!

Where is the cheapest place to buy 6 ft fencing panels?

I have a long stretch of fence to replace and I am amazed how expensive fence panels seem to be. It needs to be a solid fence, for privacy and also dog proof. Has anyone done the research and found a particularly cheap source of fencing. I would need about 20-30 panels|||I recently got 6 of those panels from B+Q for 拢100 including delivery. Unlikely to get very much cheaper but you could shop around to see if you got a discount for 30|||You are unlikely to get a quality panel for under 拢10 even with discount. At the beginning of last Autumn it was announced there was a %26quot;shortage%26quot; of the right kind of wood for fence panels.|||Wicks and B%26amp;Q are by far the cheapest.|||b%26amp;q



Will a goat stay in heavy gauge wire fencing?

My horse is in a mixture of electric and heavy gauge wire fencing, will a lamanca goat stay in that? I figured I%26#039;d have to add an extra row or two as thier is 4 up now.|||If you%26#039;re horse stays in it, you should be fine but some types of goats can climb wire fences very easily.|||nope goats will chew rite through it try wood|||4 should be enough far from the ground is it? you have to put it fairly low to the ground as goats can go right underneath

A rectangular garden is to be enclosed on three sides by fencing; the fourth side is the side of a barn. you h

a rectangular garden is to be enclosed on three sides by fencing; the fourth side is the side of a barn. you have $750 to spend and the appropriate fencing costs $2.75 per linear foot. what are the dimensions of the largest garden that you can enlose and how much will it cost?|||I can tell this is math homework. No gardener would put their stuff up against a barn... nothing would grow in shade like that.

$750 / 3 = $250 each of the 3 sides

$250 = 90.91

Therefore you should make each of the three sides 90 feet, for a cost of $742.50.

Unless you want to go down to the mm.

But now it%26#039;s not rectangular, it%26#039;s a square.

You also never said how wide the barn was.... there is a possibility that you could make the fence too wide and there would be a gap of which it is impossible to know about with this question.|||Math homework, definitely math homework.

The largest area (for a given length of fence, i.e. a max cost of fence) will be surrounded by a fence that%26#039;s twice as long (along the barn side), as it is deep.

Depending upon what grade you are in will determine how you decide this. If you have differential calculus, you should know min-max applications. Otherwise, you%26#039;ll have to make a table and look for the trend toward the largest area value. My kids had this in fifth grade, it%26#039;s a well-known problem.

A farmer has 680 feet of fencing to enclose the pasture. because a river runs along on side, fencing will be n

a farmer has 680 feet of fencing to enclose the pasture. because a river runs along on side, fencing will be needed on only three sides. find the dimensions of the pasture if its length is double its width.|||If the river runs on the length side, then the dimensions would be 170 x 340.

If, however, the river runs along the width side, the dimensions would be 136 x 272.|||Depending if the steam is on the short or long direction it could be 340 X 170 or 136 X 272

However if this a pasture where animals will be grazing it should be fenced o the side with the stream for the purposes of maintaining water quality.|||170%26#039; X 340%26#039;

What did you pay for vinyl privacy fencing per panel when you installed it yourself?

I know that the price is going to vary based on color, style, etc. But I just want a ballpark figure. I%26#039;m looking for the price you paid for vinyl privacy fencing (8 ft section, preferably) when you installed it yourself.

Thanks!!!|||Yesterday at Home depot it was $46.00 for their cheapest 8%26quot; section. Then you have to buy the posts and the hardware.And a gate kit if you are going to have a gate.|||Go to lowes. com or I am thinking close to 40 dollars. You better check locally.

Where to get deals on fencing and hardwood flooring?

I%26#039;m hoping someone can tell me where I can buy fencing panels (vinyl or wood) and/or hardwood flooring (solid or engineered) at discounted prices in Los Angeles. Perhaps a warehouse, discount, wholesale, or closeout store? Thanks!|||Lumber Liquidators

6548 Telegraph Road


Phone: 323-721-0800


2310 Cotner Ave


Phone: 213-785-3456


Can you do fencing even if you have a minor case of asthma?

I want to try the sport of fencing and I am wondering if you can have asthma and last in fencing. I have a fit body and work out, and 6%26#039;0 inches, but my family has a case of asthma. I dont take inhalers or anything like that but I cannot really run for like long periods of time because my lungs. Fencers please tell me.|||When I would play basketball, I would start to wheeze and I couldn%26#039;t last long.

When I fence, I%26#039;ve hardly ever have an attack.

also, I fence epee which is the slowest one,

saber might be tougher - it%26#039;s faster, but it finishes quicker.

foil is what you usually start out with - that%26#039;s in the middle.|||ye..fenecing is slow and booring unlike soccer or other more energy required sports.

How many feet of fencing do I need to fence 1/2 an acre of land?

Ive got a lot that is 21,000 sq ft. So 1/2 an acre and I want to fence it all. How many feet of fencing do I need to buy?|||That depends on the dimensions of your lot. Is it nearly square or a long skinny rectangle?? It makes a difference.|||That%26#039;s right, it could be 600 linear feet, or 720 linear feet........which would make a big difference. You%26#039;ve got to take measurements! Also what type fence, what height, who%26#039;s going to install it?, what about posts.....footings?? Gates??

Does anyone know what the laws in Georgia (Fulton County) are regarding Dogs and proper fencing?

We live in the city and out patio adjoins the sideyard of a neighboring home. They have two full sized Great Danes that are only seperated from us by a 4 ft chainlink fence (they are taller). Are there any requirements by law for fencing large dogs? We are currently unable to use our patio b/c of this.|||as long as the dog is staying on its property, and not barking constantly (noise ordinance) then you really unable to bring the law into it. why cant you use your patio? if they are bugging you because they want attention, then why don%26#039;t you put up a privacy fence (maybe ask the neighbor to go in on half of the fence that separates your yards), or put up a lattice between your patio and their yard, so you can block the dogs.|||If the dogs are properly contained on the property, then no law is being broken. Technically, there doesn%26#039;t even need to be a fence if the dog doesn%26#039;t leave the yard.

Why can%26#039;t you use your patio?? Great Danes are wonderful dogs. Make friends with them and they will be as friendly as can be.|||From the Fulton County Animal Control website:

%26quot;Our officers are authorized to issues citations for violations of animal related regulations including:

路 Leash Law - All dogs must be restrained by means of a fence, wall or other enclosure or restrained by leash.%26quot;

If the dog is taller than the fence, it doesn%26#039;t sound to me like they are restrained. However, you might be better off contacting animal services on Monday to find out the specific guidelines.

Purchased a house in Altona,Melbourne Aust.Want to put front fencing infront of house.Do I need any permits?

This is a recent purchase.I have seen houses in Melbourne and also on the same street ,having front fencing.I am aware that you cannot put fencing on the footpath ,but just front fencing in the front compound.Does one need any special permits for this in Australia ,Melbourne?|||yes that should be fine as long as it is two meters from the gutter.

How does fencing affect your acting skills?

My acting teacher recently told me that taking fencing sessions would help me with movement in acting. Does anyone know the benefits of fencing, especially related to acting? I would like to know more about this sport and the benefits before I waste money on the classes.|||Fencing is VERY good for acting.

There are physical benefits, such as stamina, balance co-ordination, core strength and even breathing technique.

It will also greatly help your focus, concentration amd your spatial awareness

In terms of practical uses Fencing will sharpen your mind, and will improve your ability to improvise and think up solutions to problems on the fly. But perhaps most importantly it will teach you much about TACTICS, you will learn how to use a virety of subtle tactics to beat your opponent. In the same way that your characters must use differing tactics to achieve their objective|||It teaches focus, balance, and hand eye coordination....also a little bit of trust in your all these things will help your presence on stage, your circles of concentration, and your ability to execute your blocking confidently and with ease so it doesn%26#039;t seem like planned movement....

it is also a skill that is great to have on your resume if you ever do classical plays (shakespeare, some Greek/Latin plays have swordplay, so it is a desirable skill if you%26#039;re auditioning for certain roles)|||I don%26#039;t know how it may help your acting skills, but it will definately help your balance, coordination, your cardiovascular system and it%26#039;s a lot of fun. I say go for it you%26#039;ll love it.|||Anything that improves your strength and (especially) BALANCE -- such as dance, fencing, etc. -- will absolutely make you better able to use your body to good effect in performance.

How much does Sabre fencing equipment cost?

I%26#039;m gonna start fencing and I want to know how much it csts. not the lessons but the material.|||For a basic kit to start fencing sabre, you need a mask, jacket, gauntlet, and a practice sabre. If you%26#039;re a woman, you need a chest protector. An underarm protector or %26quot;plastron%26quot; is highly recommended, and required at all USFA sanctioned competitions. Prices for the basic equipment start at about $150 and go up from there. Expect to pay as much as ten times as much for FIE rated equipment, suitable for international competition.

Many clubs will provide some or all equipment or sell new or used equipment for a reasonable amount. You might also qualify for club discounts at fencing equipment retailers. Check with your coach.

You%26#039;ll need either fencing knickers ($40-$50) and knee socks or long athletic pants. Court shoes, especially indoor soccer shoes, work well.

When you graduate from practice fencing to bouting with electronic scoring equipment, you%26#039;ll need additional equipment. An electric mask, mask cords (2), body cords (2), cuff, lame and electric weapons (2) will run between $250 and $300.|||Try here

In the sport of fencing, why is there a cable attached to the back of each opponent?

I do not understand fencing, just curious specifically about the cable pulley system that pulls the competitor back.|||It is so that the scoring can be done electronically.

There is a cord that plugs into the fencer%26#039;s weapon, that goes under their jacket and out the bottom. The cord then connects to an outer jacket (for foil and sabre, not epee) and to a plug at the end of the strip. This way, if the fencer hits their opponent on target area (the part covered by the outer jacket) a colored light will go off, and if the fencer hits off target a white light will go off.

For epee the whole body is target, so the tip of the weapon has a depression tip, if it hits the opponent at a certain amount of pressure, the light will go off.|||Just a comment to your follow up - the cable doesn%26#039;t yank the fencer back. The cable is part of the %26quot;reel%26quot; that is spring loaded. The reel just keeps the cable out of the way so that the fencer doesn%26#039;t trip over it. Report Abuse
|||That is an electronic wire that senses when the opponent has scored.

There is not judgment by officials it is a connection between the epee and the scoring part of the body that completes a circuit.

Where are the fencing training areas in the Philippines?

Are there any government run or public training areas for fencers in the Philippines aside from the Philsports Complex (ULTRA) fencing hall? If none, I suppose private training areas will do. This is for a research paper.|||Hello Rodolfo !

Forgive me but your question is sort of hard to sort out. Were you looking for European Fencing or Japanese Fenseing...etc as there are many variants of styles.

While waiting for others to post a more specific and accurate contact information in regards your search.

In the meantime, If you%26#039;re serious enough I suggest the following step for you to take.

First thing you have to do is check your local yellow pages or phone book, look for the all the available schools your area has to offer.

If you%26#039;re not in the area yet, call someone you know in the local area to scan, mail or list the martial arts section on the yellow page and have them sent to you.

The reason I always suggest to look in the phone book first is due to the fact you%26#039;re pretty much searching for a school that are in your local area. You may even find one a few blocks down from you. Using the phone book as your first step will make your search faster and easier because all the information such address and phone number are available for you right there.

Secondly, if you are not having any success with this type search, After all the vigorous research on styles and decided on a particular style of martial arts. Try contacting a legitimate organization of that particular style on the internet and ask if they can refer schools or certified instructors available in your local area.

Please note that there are good number of good instructors that do not advertise or teach for commercial purpose thus you won%26#039;t see them advertise anywhere. They are mostly located in private gyms or community centers. Just them a call and even if they don%26#039;t have a program ask to see who they can refer you to.

Try all styles or any other styles that you have already decided upon. Call the schools in your area to see if they are offering free lessons or find out if they have any and how much is introductory classes for a month.

Taking ONE trial classes just does not cut it because at that moment you%26#039;re excited and often times this excitement often leads you to making a wrong decision such signing a long term contract ( Gasp ! Never ever sign a contract !) or other bad decisions.

One last thing, I don%26#039;t mean to sound abrasive, but If the above suggestion is too much work for you, then the probability of you being serious in joining a martial arts school is less than zero. I am sorry to say this but, I am sincere in helping you in your quest, but you have to do your part.

Hope this helps and good luck with your search.

How tall does pygmy goat fencing need to be?

I%26#039;m going to start raising pygmy goats. I already have 4, but they are in with my chickens, and therefore the fence was already 8 foot tall for that purpose. But with a pen holding strictly pygmy goats, how tall does it need to be?

Also, any suggestions for the best kind of fencing? Hog panel? Chicken Wire? Etc?

-CayleeJo|||perferrably 5 to 6 feet

since goats can jump high

one of my pygmy goats died last winter cause he froze

from gettin his hoof stuck in the fence and froze there over night

since are fence was about 4 feet tall and he usually

was able to jump it easily no problem

the kind of fence we used for chickens

so it was easy for them to get their hoofs stuck in

so i think hog panel should be good

since they wont get stuck and they would be able

to stick their heads out to get grass or something

*if you get one llama or a couple big attacking geese

then it should keep predators at bay

we had geese cause they were cheaper

and they wooped a foxes butt

ganged up on it and ran it off

i always see it on t he other side of the road

but he dont try to mess with my babies anymore|||It would be good to have about a 4ft tall fence. I prefer to keep a 6ft fence, though, because it will keep out stray dogs and wild animals that might like to jump in!

Chain link fencing is strong and cheap to buy. You can probably get away with using chicken wire, but I%26#039;m not sure how it would hold up in an animal was really desperate to get in or out.

Where is a good place to practice fencing?

i%26#039;m not sure where to practice fencing with my new foils. any suggestions?|||A gym or other enclosed area the last you want is the sun in your eyes.|||I hear it%26#039;s good to do some fencing in your backyard! lmao Just joking, but honestly, I have no clue as to where you could go sword fight at.

Good luck! :)|||find a club

How do you install vinyl fencing at angles other than 90 degrees?

I need to put a panel up at an angle greater than 90 degrees. As far as I know, there are no such kits available. I bought the fencing from Home Depot and they tried to give me some joist hangers and told me to bend them?? Any suggestions welcome.|||There are several ways you can do this...besides bending some joist hangers, hehehe... Not knowing your comfort level with power tools, or what kind you have access to, here are 3 fairly easy methods of creating just about any angle you need for fencing.

First trick that comes to mind, is to shave the corner post to the angle you need. (Tablesaw, circular saw, or reciprocating saw)

Second trick is to %26#039;build%26#039; a corner post to the angle you need...this is particularly handy, if you have a very large angle. (Tablesaw, and miter saw) You would want to use treated lumber, prime it with a good oild base primer (Kilz would work well), and then paint it to match... you would also want to %26#039;cap%26#039; your post.

Third trick is to cut the vinyl rails at the angle you need (and the steel support, if any), and apply trim to help cover any gaps. This one will work, if you do not have to go too much farther than 90 degrees. (Recriprocating saw, and miter saw)

Good Luck!|||sorry

Is the oak from an old dining room table when cut to size suitable for outdoor fencing?

New oak boards are so expensive I thought I might cut and plane the oak from two old tables to use as fencing boards. The question is %26quot;Will they stand up to the weather without twisting?%26quot;.|||It%26#039;s a bit hard to say. If the tables have been indoors, and stabilized to a dry environment, it%26#039;s possible that the wood could warp when exposed to weather, especially after being cut down to smaller sizes. It has to do with how well they%26#039;re sealed and painted after cutting them down. I have to add that oak is not all that great as an %26quot;outdoor%26quot; wood, compared to cedar, teak or redwood. I understand about the cost, and if it%26#039;s free, it%26#039;s worth it, but it will take more maintenance to make oak last compared to others.|||Just an idea.... you might be further ahead to sell the tables and use that money to buy treated lumber that would last longer.|||Well with my tongue firmly in my cheek I have seen some gardens in Coxhoe fenced off with a row of old doors, and some even have the knobs still on!!|||Sure if they can be cut to size. Be sure to give them a good paint job with outside paint.

Best fencing option for large yard for shih tzu?

I want to put in a doggy door and allow my pet access to outdoors at times. trying to decide between fencing a large yard which would be very costly, or a small area around a patio, picket fence or privacy or chain link. neighbors on two sides of yard only. red brick house.|||The best bet for the dog is a wooden privacy fence which provides a lot of room to run and no visual distractions that might mar the fun experience of having the whole back yard to romp in. (Also much less likely to get tangled in trying to dig underneath.)|||Check on line for small kennel run, like a 10X20 or larger, they will be chain link type fencing, if you find one it is a good idea to bury chicken wire several inches under the ground and attach it to the bottom of the fence so your treasured pooch can%26#039;t dig out.

I have had a quote to have fencing put in am i being ripped off?

I have had a quote for feather edged fencing to be put in my garden. The fencing required is 14 square metres. The landscaper wants to charge me 拢650 to supply and fit. I thought it would be about 拢400. Seems steep to me. Just wanted to know what others think before I get it done and should I be looking to pay prices like this

Also He gave a quote to have decking done for 拢1995 for a area 9x5 square metres. He said to lay a cheap slab patio would cost more than 拢2000. My garden isnt hilly theres a small patio there at moment very old but sound and the rest is grass. Im not sure to go ahead.|||always get 3 quotes from diff companys|||it sounds expensive my mam paid 拢400 to have her patio done, i would phone around for some quotes I%26#039;m sure you%26#039;ll get a lot cheaper than what you%26#039;ve been quoted|||that does sound a bit %26#039;%26#039;%26#039;%26#039;%26#039;steep%26#039;%26#039; - i had fencing fitted in my new build - they dont fit them nowadays in most builds - but it was 拢200 for 10 meters of fencing per side and i had 2 sides done for 拢400 - including decorative top edging - to fit decking i think its cheaper doing it yourself and roping in some people who owe favours to - its not a difficult as you may think - and deck boards cost from 拢5.50 a board - have a look at travis perkins or a local timber/builders merchant - as they will also have reliable contacts in the know should you choose to get someone to fit it for you - good luck|||You don%26#039;t need to take the first quote you get. I%26#039;d call around and get a couple of them and you will need detailed quotes to properly compare them.

Will the contractor

clean up after.

what standard of work will they provide.

Does this include removal of any items torn down.

is the slab you%26#039;re offered include the proper base

is there any guarantee (years)

It pays to compare but you have to know what you%26#039;re comparing.

Also get references from people he%26#039;s done work for and find out how satisfied they were with the work, services provided.|||Phone some more companies out of the yellow pages and get more quotes before you go ahead, it sounds a bit expensive to me.|||get more than one quote or do it your self ask some friends to help on the agreement that you do them a BBQ when the job is done.don%26#039;t forget my invite.|||cheapskate|||Can you do the job yourself?

Have you got a price for the materials?

Carriage of goods, ordering.

Tool supplied.

This is a price for all in i take it?

2 men approx 2 days for the fence.

That%26#039;s 拢400

materials say the fence is 8 metres long at a guess minimum 5 posts 拢50, 6 bags of ballast bag and half of cement 拢20 fence panels another 拢70. Bit of profit.

Sounds about right to me. The builder is not in it for love, you%26#039;ll pay a mechanic 拢50 per hour and not blink. But you%26#039;ll get what you pay for. As long as you can see previously satisfied customers i can%26#039;t see a problem.

If its too expensive, try DIY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||I think it would be more useful to us to know the length and height of the fence and is it slotted concrete posts and panels of feather edge. As we dont know how many posts are involved|||i always get at least 3 quotes and ask friends/family for recommendations.

you should ask for a price breakdown to show matierial and labour charge then you can check the price yourself and know if there being honest and remember most companies will give discount to other businesses so they should be able to get it cheaper than you.|||go for three quotes and pick the middle one i think 400 is more than enough|||far too expensive...go to the local timber yard..then to the shopping centre where you will find plenty of hoodies/drop outs/low lifes/divs and dorks....take a couple home with you and beat severely with a stick untill work is done.....the cost will be 40 B%26amp;H and 2 cans of Red Bull!!!

How do you delete fencing on the Sims 2?

However dumb a question that may be... I just got mine today and I want to delete some fencing. How do I do it?|||hold down ctrl and click and drag the wall tool along the walls to delete

Same thing for fences|||i don%26#039;t think u can

after u build a wall or fence..and then save it, u can%26#039;t delete that wall or fence once u come bak to ur saved game...|||You delete fencing by click and dragging while tapping the ctrl button or you can simply click undo if you have just started putting up the fencing.

How do i get a T-Post used for fencing out of the ground>?

I have several T-Posts that have shifted to a wrong angle...i am looking for a tool to help me get the T-Posts out without digging up the ground so i can put them back in in the correct angle to fix the fencing around the land...|||Use a old cat bumper jack if you can not pull them by hand. Attach a arope to the post and tie it to the jack.|||You can also use a long lever to ease them out. Clamp a block of wood firmly to the T-pots about 1ft. off the ground; position another block or blocks about 6%26quot; away from the post to act as a fulcrum; then placing you lever tip under the wood block clamped to the post and resting on the fulcrum pile, push down on the end. Post should ease out of the ground - no problem. If you are straining, perhaps your lever isn%26#039;t long enough, and you may need extra block to build up the fulcrum level. Sounds complicated , but very easy in practise. Best of luck.|||Use a jack to get the t-post out of the ground. Wrap a heavy duty chain around the jack and the knobs on the sides of the t-post, binding the chain as you jack and it will pull the post right out of the ground.|||we use a car jack around our place. Wrap some heavy duty wire around the post, using the nubs to keep the wire in place, and the other end of the wire around the head of the jack and start pumping.

Are there any good clubs where I can practice fencing in South America?

I%26#039;m looking to base myself in Peru for 3 months and would like to join a fencing club, though I would consider joining in Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil or Bolivia too! I%26#039;m at intermediate level.|||Chile

Tarapaca 739, Santiago

Phone #: (56)2-639-50-89 (56)2-633-99-51

Basically check out :

How good of an exercise is fencing?

i%26#039;m thinking of doing a free summer clinic(i%26#039;ve never fenced before) and was just curious,is fencing a good exercise? does it work out any muscles?|||The quality of fencing as an exercise really depends how much effort you put into it. In the years that I have fenced and coached, I have seen casual fencers devote minimal effort and barely break a sweat and highly competitive individuals work to exhaustion. If you have never fenced before, you will be working out muscles that aren%26#039;t typically heavily strained in other aerobic sports such as running, soccer, etc; although already being physically fit helps tremendously.

Years ago, in high school, I ran cross-country and played varsity soccer. I was far more exhausted after my first real fencing bout than a typical work-out for those sports.

Fencing works heavily on leg and torso muscle groups and does not require heavy upper body strength. Finesse and dexterity are typically more important.

Hope this helps.|||Yeah, you%26#039;ll get tired, and it%26#039;s a pretty good workout if you are doing it right.|||Fencing is an anaerobic activity. It%26#039;s a bit like football or boxing. The activity is strenuous for periods, with breaks in between. It burns quite a few calories: the last tournament I participated in, I wore my heart monitor and it recorded 2100 calories in 3 hours. The legs are the primary working group - quads/calfs/glutes. It is the mental aspect of fencing that often takes hold of individuals and involves them more than they were originally expecting - providing a form of exercise that is never boring - hence more likely to be undertaken.

How effective is invisible dog fencing?

We are considering invisible fencing for our new dog this summer. Is there a minimum age requirement for the dog? Do these types of fences actually work?|||I have had this type of fencing for almost 4 years now and it keeps my dogs in their area exceptionally well.

I would recomend it highly.|||sometimes (usually) the dog relizes if it goes really fast it only hurts for a secound then it stops and the dog is free thus no they don%26#039;t work|||They do work great with proper training of the dogs. I have a friend who has a big black lab, he used to escape conventional fences all the time...he was Houndini. He moved to a new home and installed the wireless fence and his dogs have yet to escape, even when he let the battery run Just a precaution, you will keep your dogs in...but you won%26#039;t keep the wildlife out, so if you have coyote or other predators in the area I would not leave your dog vulnerable and unattended, restricted by the wireless fence. I also recommend that you try the actual %26#039;zap%26#039; level of the collar on yourself (I%26#039;m not kidding...I know this sounds crazy) if you are going to use it on an animal I think it behooves you to know exactly what the zap feels like so you have a complete understanding of how it works.|||It really depends. If the dog is not dense, have thick fur, and overall do what it wants any way, they work fine. If your dog is (mine was) denser than a box of rocks and hard headed to boot they will just walk across the line and look at you. Be forwarned even if it doesn%26#039;t look like it shocks your dog the collars hold a lot of power, not enough to hurt, but enough. :)|||When I checked into this type of fencing for my dog I wasn%26#039;t advised of an age limit but they did tell me that it works better with certain breeds. I have a beagle (known as a stubborn dog) and was advised that he may not adjust to it, would probably just run thru it and keep going. Needless to say we didn%26#039;t pursue it, but I have several friends who use this and it works well with their dogs. It requires a lot of maintenance and diligence on the part of the owner though. If your electricity goes out, it doesn%26#039;t work, if the batteries die in the collar it doesn%26#039;t work, you have to be careful not to accidentally dig up the wire (if you plant a tree, garden, etc.). And from what I was told some dogs absolutely freak out when they get zapped which can be harmful to the dog (have you seen the collar they must wear? - scary!!). Good luck with whatever you choose.|||I wouldn%26#039;t trust my dogs%26#039; safety to one of those. Many dogs figure out that they just have to take the shock and they%26#039;re free. Other problems can arise when the battery in the collar goes flat. Also, it does not protect your dog from other animals or people coming on to your property.

Get a real fence.|||It is much cheaper than a traditional fence. As far as how effective it is, that depends on how well you train the dog once it is installed. There is a training routine you go through after the fence is put in. Have them tell you all of the details about that before yo make a decision. I would no more want to teach my dog to stay in the yard by shocking him than I would want to teach him to sit, stay, etc. by shocking him. Some dogs, no matter how much you work with them, will take the shock and run through. Chances are that they will not take it again to get back in the yard. Also invisible fence doesn%26#039;t protect your dogs from something else getting to them. I had a friend who%26#039;s dog was almost killed by a pit bull because the pit bull could get in the yard but their dog wouldn%26#039;t run out of the yard to get away. Personally I would never use it. It is all about the owners convenience, not the dogs%26#039;.|||My uncle%26#039;s Shih-Zu runs through it about once a week.|||Depends on the dog. Typically, dogs with thick coats don%26#039;t feel the shock enough to be deterred. The fence will tell you the requirements for age and size on the packaging.|||This type of fencing only works on certain breeds. Dogs like greyhounds, whippets, huskies run too fast and are out of range before the fence activates. The packaging should tell you what breeds they recommend using it for, and which breeds are not suited to it.|||Works great unless it is a HIGH STRUNG DOG like a border collie

a dog thats gotta get to what it sees, then ours takes the shock to go out but wont take the shock to come back, another bad point is it keeps YOUR dog in, it does NOT KEEP OTHER DOGS OUT

What is the name of the music score channel 7 is using during it's fencing promo on the olympics coverage?

Channel 7 has been showing a short promo on fencing during it%26#039;s Olympics Coverage in the evenings. Does any body know the musical score used in the background?|||I don%26#039;t know what the music is. But I know that it is false advertising. I%26#039;ve yet to see any coverage of the fencing at all.

Chain link fencing for dog kennel- can you buy and attach bottom pipe separatley?

Looking for a dog kennel, had an offer for some cheap chain link fencing BUT it has no %26#039;pole%26#039; on the bottom, concerned dogs would just push it out. anything you can buy separately to keep it solid along the bottom to keep dogs from pushing it out?|||You can buy galvanized pipe, but it should be put on with proper fixtures on the bottom of the upright, you can also stretch air line cable along the bottom weaving it in and out every two foot or so, either way if your dogs like to dig they can still get out, probably the cheapest and simplest solution is to buy chicken wire and dig a trench under the fence to the inside of the run and bury it, you can wire a foot or so of the chicken wire to the bottom of the fence then take it thru the bottom on the fence at least two foot and bury....depending on what size run you are putting in it might be easier to put a regular kennel run up, if you want to do it right check with Crest Line Kennel Runs..|||I am not sure. I had bought some tool room caging and it works great. It is welded chain link that is welded to a frame they measure 5%26#039; x 9%26#039; and they bolt together.|||yes you%26#039;re right. without the bottom rail for it to attach to the dogs will just push their way out of the bottom. you can get the parts you need at lowes or home depot. you need to get two pieces that attach to the corner poles and then the rail goes into the socket on that. you can also get the wirelike ties that fastens it to the rail. fasten every couple of feet to make sure it is good and tight. any slack will allow them to get out.|||Ya what Bert said, that it|||Sure. You would need to by chain link top rail pipe, top rail pockets and clamps. You then cut the top rail pipe to fit between your upright posts and clamp in place. It should look just like your top rail, but be on the bottom of the fence. Then wire-tie the chain link fabric to the bottom just like the top.

Bert|||sure , try lowes, or your local lumber yard,

if you attach ,a new pipe, , use wire to attach the chain link,

and place stones, i n the inside of the kennal, to prevent ,the dog from digging thru|||Yes, you can buy it all seperately, either at fencing supply stores or hardware stores.

The actual chain link is the inexpensive part. The posts, connectors and rails are all seperate purchases and the most expensive portion.

The least expensive option is to buy all seperately, at a Lowe%26#039;s type of store and assemble it yourself.

What does it cost to field a NCAA fencing team?

Hi, I am trying to figure out what it takes to revive a NCAA fencing program from one of the schools that got the varsity removed back in the 90%26#039;s.

Any idea what it costs to field a team?|||I have no idea, but here%26#039;s how you can find out. Find a school with a varsity fencing program and ask the athletic director. Make sure to inquire about transportation costs for tournments.

Another possibility is to partner with a local fencing club. That happens with all the collegiate crew (rowing) in the DC area.

Good luck!

Where can I go too buy some fencing to go around my flower garden for cheap?

I need to buy some fencing to go around my flower garden. I don%26#039;t need much and dont have a lot of money. I need something that is cheap. Please help.|||HOME DEPOT|||Chicken wire. If you%26#039;re just trying to keep dog or cats from digging in there, you could even go for the plastic stuff, but if you%26#039;re worried about rabbits, then you probably want wire. It%26#039;s cheapest to buy it at feed stores, but if you don%26#039;t have any of those in your area, box stores like Lowes and Home Depot carry rolls of it, as well as stakes to anchor it in.|||Try Here:

Or try searching ebay

Good Luck|||I use plastic chicken wire and 1/1 cedar stakes, just pound them in and secure them with zip ties,works great,keeps my husky out.Cheap too!Home Depot or any garden center.|||Menards isn%26#039;t too badly priced on that kind of thing.|||Look into chicken wire.|||Lowe%26#039;s or home depot would have it and it shouldn%26#039;t cost to much.